Making customizable t-shirts is a big advantage. Make sure, however, that you do it well. Here is what is important to consider if you want to use this print marketing tool. This is demonstrated by the success of t-shirt printing.
· Size Of The Logo
It seems silly advice but it often happens in the t-shirt print that you dwell on how big the logo on the shirt is. There is no rule as to whether it should be large or small but it is important that you have precise ideas.
The main feature of the big logo on a t-shirt is the comedy. Having a big brand on the belly is funny. It is useful, therefore, if irony is among the corporate values you want to push. Think of the funny faces of Super Mario that often uses Nintendo.
· Position Correctly
Among the errors not to be made in t-shirt printing is not to dwell on the positioning of the image on the shirt. Meaning? It is a matter of carefully considering the specific measure of where to print the design within the position. There is a standard positioning of the logo in the shirt whether it is the front side or the backside. The reason is that it is the visual area in which the man naturally sets his eyes when he focuses on a tee shirt printing. If you want to do something different, remember to evaluate the pros and cons and, above all, to explain it clearly where you are going to make the t-shirt print.
· Design The Composition Well
The definition of composition explains that it is the way in which you organize the visual elements in a shirt. It is clear that this is a fundamental aspect of the decisions to be taken in t-shirt printing. You can have a nice logo and the right size and also have well-designed typography. But if everything is organized in a chaotic way, the shirt will be useless.
If you don’t have the skills to take care of the visual composition of the t-shirt, get help. A typical mistake you could make yourself is to put the elements too far apart or too grouped together. Or the whole design could be out of balance by bringing the eye to the wrong place
· Use The Quality Images
The benefits of personalized t-shirts come only if the shirt is liked. That is why the recipient of the gift must never have the feeling of receiving something of little value or gaudy The quality of the images you use plays an important role in this.