Hair Growth Tips For Men

With the growing age, you may notice a change in the growth of your hair. It can be a stressful condition for the men. As we are conscious about our looks and especially for our hair. Don’t panic, because the professionals of barbershop park slope are presenting a complete guide for the tips to improve hair growth. The overall guide is highly effective and as well as easy to follow.

To know about these lists, you must engage yourself with the blog till the end.

Apply Onion Juice To Hair

You are maybe aware of the fact that onion juice is highly beneficial for men’s hair.  There are several ways in which onion juice is serving the health of our hair.  It is completely up to you that you want to apply direct onion juice or you want to use the hair products which are rich in onion juice.  Selecting the hair products which are onion juice oriented is much simple that is why we are explaining the second option here which is directly applying the juice

For the direct application of onion juice on your hair, you can follow these instructions

  • Peel off the onion in a proper way
  • The next step is to cut the onion down in small pieces
  • There is an option for you to crush onion instead of piecing it
  • Use a soft piece of cloth from which juice can pass easily
  • Cut pieces of onion into his cloth and start squeezing it in a bowl
  • To pour the juice into a spray bottle or you can also apply it with the Cotton
  • Cover your hair after the application of onion juice
  • After half hour, you can wash your hair gently to remove the onion oil

If you are consistent in following this process and applying onion juice twice a week then you will feel quick results.

Scalp Massage

Within the list of tips for hair growth in men, the next one to discuss is scalp massage .we will cover the importance of essential oils for the health of our hair strands.    Before having a scalp massage you should be aware of your skin type. It is important in a sense to use the right and appropriate for the massage process.

It is highly recommended by the professionals of barbershops park slope that use the right oil according to your skin type.  In case of having an oily scalp, you must use any oil with aloe Vera adding some amount of honey will also be helpful for your type of scalp.

While on the other hand if you are rich in dry skin type then using olive oil, coconut oil along with almond oil can be effective for you.

If you are in the favor of using any branded oil then you must keep these recommendations in mind while reading the ingredient of the oil.    Moreover, it is recommended to use organic oil because of its effective results

Eat Healthy

It is important to know that our hair is not only affected by oils or some other conditions but they also got the effect of our food intake. There is a possibility that you are facing thin hair, dandruff along with hair loss.  All of the mentioned issues can be the result of your bad and improper diet.  Maybe you are not properly having essential vitamins, nutrients, and proteins which in result damaging the health of your scalp and hair strands.

By keeping the right amount of protein along with the nutrition and vitamins in your diet you can grow more hair.  For this purpose, it is highly recommended to add chicken, meat, vegetables along with the oats in your meals. Avoiding Fast food and oily food will also help you in hair growth.

Egg Mask

Protein is not just good for intake but its application also results in the improved health of your hair strands.  It is highly recommended for men to apply egg masks for improved hair growth.  It is worth mentioning that an egg mask is not only beneficial for the growth of hair but it also reduces the chances of dandruff and hair loss.  Even the application of egg mask hair at home is a much simple process to follow.  For the ease of our readers, we are mentioning the steps to apply an egg mask on your hairs

  • Break the egg and pour it into a bowl
  • Separate the egg white from the Yolk in a separate cup or bowl
  • Start staring the egg white until it reflects a good paste look
  • You can add some amount of Honey or any suitable oil into the egg white paste
  • Apply this paste to your scalp and massage gently
  • Leave this based on your hair for an hour or less
  • Wash your hair with a good hair shampoo
  • Water should not be hot or warm because it may cause dryness and dandruff in your hair

Additional Tips For Hair Growth In Men

  • Exercise
  • Be happy and don’t take stress

To Wrap It Up

All of the mentioned hair care tips are effective to improve the growth of your hair. Onion hair is best for stopping the hair fall and as well as reduce dandruff. The proper use of an egg mask makes the hair smooth, shiny and as well as improves the hair growth. Moving ahead in the blog, you will read about the head massage or scalp massage which also results in good hair health. All of these remedies are simply amazing for the improvement in hair strands. Moreover, the remedies grab the problem from its root and then provide the best solutions.

It is worth mentioning that the major cause of all hair issues is stress. While you are following any of the mentioned remedies, you must be patient and keep calm. Additionally, recommendations are to be consistent in the routines for getting the desired and quick results.


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