The Korean beauty standard and invention ratio is lighting fast as compared to the rest of the world. The excitement of new products and trends is largely due to the functionality of everything that Korean cosmetic industry comes up with. Powdered lipstick or commonly known as lip powders are one of the newest trends to check out. Hair essence, face cream and sheet masks are known quite widely being accepted, used and loved by users but lip powders are where the attention is now today. There are different versions to it as different famous brands come up with them. The lipstick junkies sure will understand the craze as this product makes the lip look fuller without the hassle of using too many products to in the far end going under the knife or any other artificial invasive methods such as lip Botox injections.
What is the content of a lip powder and how does it work?
This product is softer than it would be expected. If it’s from a good brand the bases usually comprise of coconut oil or vitamin E. The work is done by silica silicate which is simply a hydrogel molecule in powder form. The element having a very large surface area absorbs all the oil and pigment. The lip powder transforms into a satin lipstick as soon as it touches the lips. It’s like magic!
The application and ways to use it more creatively.
Lip powders are easy to apply. The color they impart is another plus point. It can be creatively used as a blush if the color is on the red spectrum depending on the skin color one has. Upon its application, the powder turns matte almost immediately. The look is trendy but monochromatic at the same time. The product boasts of long sustainers and doesn’t rub even after a single application throughout the day, well, of course, the brand is good the more satisfaction much like the nyx powder puff lippie which comes in several shades and can easily be bought online.